Gold Sale

We are having some great deals at Failte these days!

All gold jewelry is 50% off.  All these unique designs are all Celtic related. The Claddagh meaning love, friendship and loyalty. The Trinity knot meaning the three holy spirits. The Celtic knot meaning eternal love. Just to mention a few.

Please let me know if you have any questions we love hearing from you.

All the best.


Keeping our head above the water!

I started the shop in 2001 with the idea of sausages and we have grown so much in the last 13 years. We are far more than just a shop. We are the Irish community! Not to praise ourselves too much. What we help do is a lot more than selling Irish goods. We got involved in the St. Patrick’s Day parade 6 years ago and we helped add a festival that has grown nearly as big as July 4th. We are very involved in The Kentucky Rose Center. We are on the committee that helps find girls from around Kentucky and send them to The Rose of Tralee. We founded the Lexington Celtic association that meets the 1st Thursday of every month for an Irish culture evening.  With free Irish dance lessons from the Kentucky McTeggart Irish dancers and music by Liam Fancy!

Right now we are finding business a little tough. There is a lot of construction where we are and it’s hard to get to us. You really have to want too! We have a parking spot beside our shop which helps a little. We will find a way to hang in here till it’s all done!  But we are in desperate need for the Irish community to help support a local business!

Thank you all so very much

Hope to see you soon.


New parking spot for Failte

We are so excited to announce our new parking spot. It’s on Upper street right next door to my shop!

We hope this makes your life a little easier.

Hope to see you soon.


Come to Ireland with us!

Every October we take a trip to Ireland. It's always a nice small group and our drivers are outstanding. The hotels we stay in are top notch and the places we visit are amazing.

Below are pictures of some of the places we will visit this year.

For more info visit out TRIP page or give us a call we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. 859 381 1498.

Trip deposit is due July 1st and final payment is due August 1st

Where to park for Failte

We know parking can be troublesome downtown especially with the construction going on.

We have parking in the 5/3 parking lot on Main St.

Please bring your ticket to be validated Norman will be happy to see you.

We appreciate the business.

Hope to see you soon.


Inis Energy of the Sea

Inis is by far the most popular fragrance we sell.
Its shower-fresh smell is great for both men and women.
People are always asking me where I get the fragrance I am wearing.
And Inis makes a WONDERFUL Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gift.
So come on down to the store and load up!

If you'd prefer to stay away while they're still blowing things up next door,
click HERE to purchase any one of our lovely fragrances online.

Welcome to Our New Website!!

I'm delighted to announce a completely new website for Fáilte Irish Imports.  Our new site is designed to introduce you to what makes Fáilte special, better showcase our shop, and make online shopping easier!

If you decide to purchase something online, be sure to enter the coupon "NewSite" which gives a 10% discount for all orders during the first month the new site is live.

Thank you for supporting Fáilte, and we look forward to seeing you in the shop soon!



Monday- Saturday 10am - 5pm

We offer inside shopping or
curbside pick up.

Fáilte Irish Import Shop
113 South Upper Street
(Beside McCarthy's Irish Bar)
Lexington KY 40507-1645
Phone: 859-381-1498